Welcome to the age of Aquarius!
Welcome to the age of Aquarius!

Elfelejtettem a jelszt
Bke jel


A kr szimbolizlja az egsz mindensget, az egsz vilgot, minden l dolgot.A kzpbl kirad sugarak jelentik a klnbz utakat a mindensg fel.Ugyanakkor jelkpezik a bke-galamb lbnyomt is.


A 60-as, 70-es vek zeni,zenszei
Beatles rkk
*John Lennon
Induls: 2006-02-05
Vlaszz TE!
Most a Hair c. szm van, mert azt krttek de lehet jra szavazni!
Milyen zene legyen a honlapon?

Aquarius(a rgi)/Hairbl
Let the sunshine in!/Hair
Good Morning Starshine/Hair
Dead End/Hair
Hare Krishna(Be in)/Hair
Ms(ird a vendgknyvbe)
Szavazs llsa
Lezrt szavazsok
*Zene* /Hair/


Led Zeppelin

"There's a lady who's sure all the glitters

is gold and she's buying a stairway to heaven"

1968-ban alakult angol zenekar.

Eredeti fellls:

John Bonham dob;

John Paul Jones billentysk;

Jimmy Page gitr;

Robert Plant nek.

Menedzserket, Peter Grantet gyakran „az tdik tag”-knt emlegettk.

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   A Led Zeppelin a  hard rock egyik teremtje, atyja. A gitrzseni Jimmy Page (szl. 1945. jan. 9) miutn elz egyttese, a YARDBIRDS megsznt New Yardbirds nven hozott ltre egy j formcit. Basszusgitrosnak egy rgi zenszismerst, John Baldwint (szl. 1946. jan. 3) szerzdtette. A dobos John Bonham volt, aki Bonzknt vonult be a rockzene trtnetbe. nekesnek a Band Of Joy vokalistjt, Robert Plantet szerzdtette, aki ksbb a hard rock egyik "Nagy Hangja" lett. A csapat menedzsere olyan hressg volt mint Peter Grant. A nevket egy koncertet kvet alkoholgzs bulin kaptk a WHO dobostl, Keith Moontl. A Led Zeppelin rgtn treplt az jvilgba, mint a VANILLA FUDGE ksrzenekara, s fergeteges siker bulisorozatba kezdett. Mr els lemezk megjelensvel kivvtk maguknak a sztrokat megillet helyet. A Zeppelin I. volt a vilg msodik platinalemeze. Ez a korong a blues alapokbl kiindul kemny zent tartalmaz, amelyen azrt rzdik az tkeress is. Az irnyad a Good Times, Bad Times cm szm lett, mg a koncertek rdekessge a Dazed And Confused volt, amiben egy rszt Page csellvonval adott el - gitrjn. Az rzelmes dalokban sem volt hiny. A Baby I'm Gonna Leave You az a szm, amelyben Plant leginkbb kibontakoztatta hangjnak soksznsgt. A Zeppelin a hard rock trtnetbe a II-es sorozatszmot visel lemezzel vonult be. Ez rkzld szmokat tartalmazott, mint a Whole Lotta Love, Heartbreaker, Moby Dick. A harmadik lemeztl a zenekar kezdett ez eredeti kkemny rocktl eltvolodni, br maradtak Page kimunklt, csodlatos riffznjei, Plant tiszta hangja s gyakori felkiltsai. 1971-ben megjelent a Led Zeppelin negyedik albuma, amelynek  bortjn nem volt se nv, se cm. A bels bortn is csak ngy szimblum - egy remete rajza s a Zeppelin himnusz, a Stairway To Heaven szvege szerepelt. A rgi stlus dalok mellett j, ksrleti darabok is tallhatk, mint pldul a When The Levee Bracks, vagy a Battle Of Evermore, amelyen Plant Sandy Dennyvel a Fairport Convention kivlsgval nekel duettet. A trtnelmi jelentsg lemez megjelense utn kt v kvetkezett sikeres s hossz turnkkal, stdimunkval. Vgl megjelent az els nll cmmel rendelkez album, a Houses Of The Holy. Nyolc szm - nyolc stlusvltozat. Ezzel a koronggal a Zeppelin bebizonytotta, hogy hatalmas zenei terletet kpes tfogni s stlusuk ekkor mr nem is olyan knnyen behatrolhat. A lemezbort ismt remekm. Mint a legtbb Zeppelin albumot ezt is Hypgnosis tervezte, aki mltn a legjobb bortterv ksztk egyike. Az egyttes 1975-ben elksztette els dupla lemezt, amely szintn nagy siker lett. Kvetkez lemezktl kezdve azonban a kritika elprtolt tlk, pedig az 1976-ban megjelent dupla koncertalbum a "nagy napokban" kszlt. Csaldi tragdik s balesetek neheztettk az egyttes munkjt, gy kvetkez lemezk csak 1979-ben jelent meg. A korongon fellelhet sszetett zene csak a rajongknak kellett; In Through The Outdoor (Keresztl a kijraton). Turn kzben az egyttes nagyiv dobosa alkoholmrgezs kvetkeztben 1980 szeptemberben elhunyt. Ezzel a Led Zeppelin "fldi" plyafutsa vget rt - a tagok nem akartk Bonzo nlkl folytatni.
1988-ban egytt volt ismt a ngy nagy nv: Page, Plant, Jones s Bonham. Ez utbbi termszetesen nem a feltmadt Bonzo volt, hanem fia, Jason Bonham, aki apja zenei nyomdokait kvette. Sokan lttk ekkor a Led Zeppelin jraledst, de ez csak tbb-kevsb  valsult meg.

Az egyttes hivatalos honlapja: www.led-zeppelin.com


Led Zeppelin I. (1969)

Led Zeppelin II. (1970)

Led Zeppelin III. (1970)

Led Zeppelin IV. (1971)

Houses of  The Holy (1973)

Physical Graffiti (1975)

Presence (1976)

The Song Remains The Same (1976)

In Trough The Outdoors (1979)

Coda (1982)

Led Zeppelin Collection (1990)

Remasters (1990)

Led Zeppelin (1993)

Complete Studio Recordings (1993)

BBC Sessions (1997)

A CD online megvsrolhat !

A CD online megvsrolhat !

A CD online megvsrolhat !

A CD online megvsrolhat !

A CD online megvsrolhat !

A CD online megvsrolhat !


Led Zeppelin

      Whole Lotta Love

      You need coolin', baby, I'm not foolin',
      I'm gonna send you back to schoolin',
      Way down inside honey, you need it,
      I'm gonna give you my love,
      I'm gonna give you my love.

      *Wanna Whole Lotta Love

      You've been learnin', baby, I bean learnin',
      All them good times, baby, baby, I've been yearnin',
      Way, way down inside honey, you need it,
      I'm gonna give you my love... I'm gonna give you my love.

      * Chorus

      You've been coolin', baby, I've been droolin',
      All the good times I've been misusin',
      Way, way down inside, I'm gonna give you my love,
      I'm gonna give you every inch of my love,
      Gonna give you my love.

      * Chorus

      Way down inside... woman... You need... love.

      Shake for me, girl. I wanna be your backdoor man.
      Keep it coolin', baby.

      What Is And What Should Never Be

      And if I say to you tomorrow. Take my hand, child, come with me.
      It's to a castle I will take you, where what's to be, they say will be.

      *Catch the wind, see us spin, sail away, leave today, way up high in the
      But the wind won't blow, you really shouldn't go, it only goes to show
      That you will be mine, by takin' our time.

      And if you say to me tomorrow, oh what fun it all would be.
      Then what's to stop us, pretty baby. But What Is And What Should Never Be.

      * Chorus

      So if you wake up with the sunrise, and all your dreams are still as new,
      And happiness is what you need so bad, girl, the answer lies with you.

      * Chorus

      Oh the wind wont blow and we really shouldn't go and it only goes to show.

      Catch the wind, we're gonna see it spin, we're gonna...sail, little girl
      do do do, bop bop a do-oh, my my my my my my yeah.
      Everybody I know seems to know me well
      but they're never gonna know that I move like hell.

      The Lemon Song

      I should have quit you, long time ago. (X2)
      I wouldn't be here, my children, down on this killin' floor.

      I should have listened, baby, to my second mind (X2)
      Everytime I go away and leave you, darling, you send me the blues way down
      the line.

      Said, people worry I can't keep you satisfied.
      Let me tell you baby, you ain't nothin but a two-bit, no-good jive.

      Went to sleep last night, worked as hard as I can,
      Bring home my money, you take my money, give it to another man.
      I should have quit you, baby, such a long time ago.
      I wouldn't be here with all my troubles, down on this killing floor.

      Squeeze me baby, till the juice runs down my leg. (X2)
      The way you squeeze my lemon, I'm gonna fall right out of bed.

      I'm gonna leave my children down on this killing floor.

      Thank You

      If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
      When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.

      Kind woman, I give you my all, Kind woman, nothing more.

      Little drops of rain whisper of the pain, tears of loves lost in the days
      gone by.
      My love is strong, with you there is no wrong,
      together we shall go until we die. My, my, my.
      An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look... see.

      And so today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles,
      Thanks to you it will be done, for you to me are the only one.
      Happiness, no more be sad, happiness....I'm glad.
      If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
      When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.


      Hey fellas, have you heard the news? You know that Annie's back in town?
      It won't take long just watch and see how the fellas lay their money down.

      Her style is new but the face is the same as it was so long ago,
      But from her eyes, a different smile like that of one who knows.

      Well, it's been ten years and maybe more since I first set eyes on you.
      The best years of my life gone by, here I am alone and blue.
      Some people cry and some people die by the wicked ways of love;
      But I'll just keep on rollin' along with the grace of the Lord above.

      People talkin' all around 'bout the way you left me flat,
      I don't care what the people say, I know where their jive is at.
      One thing I do have on my mind, if you can clarify please do,
      It's the way you call me by another guy's name when I try to make love to
      I try to make love but it ain't no use.

      Work so hard I couldn't unwind, get some money saved;
      Abuse my love a thousand times, however hard I tried.
      Heartbreaker, your time has come, can't take your evil way;
      Go away, Heartbreaker.

      Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman)

      With a purple umbrella and a fifty cent hat,
      Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
      Missus cool rides out in her aged Cadillac.
      Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.

      *Come on, babe on the round about, ride on the merry-go-round,
      We all know what your name is, so you better lay your money down.

      Alimony, alimony payin' your bills,
      Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
      When your conscience hits, you knock it back with pills.
      Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.

      * Chorus

      Tellin' tall tales of how it used to be.
      Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
      With the butler and the maid and the servants three.
      Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.

      Nobody hears a single word you say.
      Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
      But you keep on talkin' till your dyin' day.
      Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.

      * Chorus

      Livin', Lovin', She's just a woman.

      Ramble On

      Leaves are falling all around, It's time I was on my way.
      Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay.
      But now it's time for me to go. The autumn moon lights my way.
      For now I smell the rain, and with it pain, and it's headed my way.
      Sometimes I grow so tired, but I know I've got one thing I got to do...

      *Ramble On, And now's the time, the time is now, to sing my song.
      I'm goin' 'round the world, I got to find my girl, on my way.
      I've been this way ten years to the day, Ramble On,
      Gotta find the queen of all my dreams.

      Got no time to for spreadin' roots, The time has come to be gone.
      And to' our health we drank a thousand times, it's time to Ramble On.

      * Chorus

      Mine's a tale that can't be told, my freedom I hold dear.
      How years ago in days of old, when magic filled the air.
      T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair.
      But Gollum, and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her, her,
      * Chorus

      Gonna ramble on, sing my song. Gotta keep-a-searchin' for my baby...
      Gonna work my way, round the world. I can't stop this feelin' in my heart
      Gotta keep searchin' for my baby. I can't find my bluebird!

      Bring It On Home

      Baby, baby... I'm gonna bring it on home to you.
      I've got my ticket, I've got that load. Got up, gone higher, all aboard.
      Take my seat, right way back. ooh yeah. Watch this train roll down the
      I'm gonna bring it on home, Bring it on home to you.
      Watch out, watch out...

      Try to tell you baby, what you tryin' to do?
      Tryin' to love me baby, love some other man too.
      Bring it on home...

      Went a little walk downtown, messed and got back late.
      Found a note there waiting, it said, "Daddy, I just can't wait."
      Bring it on home... Bring it back home to me baby...

      Tell you, pretty baby, you love to mess me `round.
      I'm gonna give you lovin', baby, gonna move you out o' town.
      Bring it on home...

      Sweetest little baby, daddy ever saw.
      I'm gonna give you lovin' baby, I'm gonna give you more.
      Bring it on home...

      Bring it on home, Bring it on home to you...



:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$
Mi a vlemnyetek a hippikrl?

IMDOM KET s mindent ami velk kapcsolatos(taln
Bejn a hippi letstlus!
J ez, de nem tlzottan rdekel.
szerintem semmi rtelme sem volt a hippi mozgalomn
Szerintem hlyk, s folyton drogoznak, nem szeret
Azt nem akarod tudni...
Szavazs llsa
Lezrt szavazsok
"Kpzeld el az embereket | Hogy bkben lnek... | Mondhatod, hogy lmodoz vagyok | De nem n vagyok az egyetlen | Remlem egy napon csatlakozol hozznk | s a vilg egysges lesz."
John Lennon (rszlet az Imagine c. dalbl)
"Nem ltezik bkhez vezetõ t. A bke az t."
Mahatma Gandhi
"A bke nem a nemzetek egyfajta kapcsolata. Ez az elme llapota, amit a llek derûje okoz. A bke nem csupn a hbor hinya. Ez az elme llapota is. Hosszan tart bke csak bks emberek kz jn el."

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