Welcome to the age of Aquarius!
Welcome to the age of Aquarius!

Elfelejtettem a jelszt
Bke jel


A kr szimbolizlja az egsz mindensget, az egsz vilgot, minden l dolgot.A kzpbl kirad sugarak jelentik a klnbz utakat a mindensg fel.Ugyanakkor jelkpezik a bke-galamb lbnyomt is.


A 60-as, 70-es vek zeni,zenszei
Beatles rkk
*John Lennon
Induls: 2006-02-05
Vlaszz TE!
Most a Hair c. szm van, mert azt krttek de lehet jra szavazni!
Milyen zene legyen a honlapon?

Aquarius(a rgi)/Hairbl
Let the sunshine in!/Hair
Good Morning Starshine/Hair
Dead End/Hair
Hare Krishna(Be in)/Hair
Ms(ird a vendgknyvbe)
Szavazs llsa
Lezrt szavazsok
*Zene* /Hair/


Jimi Hendrix

"A kbtszer elbb a mennyorszgba repti,

majd a pokolba tasztja az embert"

Amerikai gitros, nekes, szerz.

Eredeti neve: Johnny Allen Hendrix,

ksbb James Marshall Hendrix.

1942. november 27. Seattle, Washington.

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      A rockzene taln legnagyobb tehetsg, fiatalon elhunyt gitrosa James Marshall Hendrix nven szletett 1942 november 27-n, Seattle-ben. Meghalt 28 ves korban, 1970 szeptember 18-n Londonban. Ami e kt dtum kztt tallhat, az a rock egyik legizgalmasabb, legszebb s legtragikusabb fejezete. Ktetek lgijban olvashatunk rvid letrl, jelentsgrl, ezrt mi itt csak a legfontosabb tnyek kzlsre szortkozunk. A rszben indin szrmazs nger muzsikus mr 63-tl ksri az akkori csillagok, szlistk eladsait. B.B. King, Little Richard, Wilson Pickett mellett, s az Isley Brothers zenekarban is ott talljuk, s amikor Jimmy James mvsznven Curtis Knight nekt kisri, new York mvsznegyedben, a Wha nev loklban felfigyel jtkra Chas Chandler, az Animals basszusgitrosa, aki ez id tjt menedzser. Magval viszi Londonba, ahol fehr zenszekbl ksrket verbuvl mell, Noel Redding gitros s Mitch Mitchell dobos szemlyben. A zenekar neve Jimi Hendrix Experience s a prizsi Olympia sznpadn mutatkoznak be a nagy nyilvnossg eltt. 67-ben megjelenik az els, ksrleti jelleg kislemez, a Hey Joe s ez katapultlja a nger muzsikust. 67 nyarn a Hey Joe mellett a Purple Haze a nagy slger. Mindenki el van ragadtatva a bravros dzsessz techniktl, amilyet a rock vilgban odig mg senki nem nyjtott, amellett az gynevezett wah-wah pedl alkalmazsval szokatlan hangzsokat is r el. Pirotechnikai trkkket ppgy alkalmaz sznpadi fellpseiben mint azt, hogy a fogaival jtszik a gitron, gy csalva ki a hangszerbl a jobbnl jobb hangokat. 1967-ben rszt vett a Montery-i fesztivlon. A 68-as v egyike a legsikeresebbeknek: kt arany album, Axis Bold As Love s az Electric Ladyland; ez utbbi ketts album fedlapjn eredetileg meztelen nk kpei szerepeltek, de ezt barna bortlappal kellett helyettesteni. Hendrixnl a szexualits ilyen irny kifejezse egyltaln nem zleti fogs, csupn szinte megnyilatkozs. Errl sok szmnak a szvegeibl is meggyzdhetnk, mely szmok tbbsge dylani mlysg mondanivalt hordoz. Szvesen ad el Bob Dylan szerzemnyeket, felejthetetlen lmny az eladsban az All Along The watchtower, a Like Rolling Stone s a Drifter's Escapade. A Voodoo Chile cm szerzemnyt kt vltozatban adja el: az egyik lass blues ritmusban, a msik kemny rock-feldolgozsban hallhat. Hendrix szupersztr lett, s az ezzel jr kellemes gondok mellett egyre nvekedtek a veszlyes problmk: a kbtszer rabjv lett. maga taln soha nem hitte el, hogy zenjvel, jtkval a kbtszerhez hasonl eufrikus rzst vlthat ki hallgatbl, rajongibl. lete utols szakaszban, egy NSZK-beli koncerten az els rszben zavarodottan, sszevissza jtszott, majd a sznfalak mgtt beadva magnak akell adagot, visszatrt s a rgi Jimi virtuozitsval nygzte le kznsgt. Ugyangy nygzte le 69-ben Woodstock flmillis tbort, s rta meg a rocktrtnet legfnyesebb lapjait. 69 szilvesztern a New york-i Filmore East sznpadn koncertet adott, Buddy Miles dobos s Billy Cox basszusgitros ksretben; ennek anyaga Band Of Gypsies cmmel jelent meg albumon, majd elksztette a Cry Of Love cm nagylemezt. 70 augusztusban a Wright szigeti fesztivlon szerepelt, egy hnappal ezutn holtan talltk londoni szllodai szobjban. Testben kbtszer s altat tmeg, amely rkre elaltatta. Albumain sokrt, klnleges zene tallhat: elfordulnak jazzes, bluesos, soulos s hard rock elemek is. A bluesra pl kemny zenje miatt a heavy metal megalkotjnak is nevezik. De a pszichidelia sem llt messze tle, fleg akkor amikor mr ersen a drogok s alkohol hatsa alatt llt. Halla utn mintegy 100 kalzlemez kerlt forgalomba. A hivatalosabbak, a jobb minsgek s az rdekesebbek bekerltek a legjelentsebb diszkogrfikba. A Rolling Stone cm, kthetenknt megjelen amerikai szaklap gy bcsztatta 1970-ben: "Jimi Hendrix volt az els nger muzsikus, aki versenyre hvta ki a fehrek rock and roll-jt s le is gyzte azt..."


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Are You Experienced (1967)

Smash Hits (1968)

Band Of Gypsys (1970)

Isle Of Wright (1971)

Rainbow Bridge (1971)

War Heroes (1973)

Soundtrack From "Jimi Hendrix" (1973)

Midnight Lightning (1975)

For Real (1975)

The Essential Jimi Hendrix (1978)

9 To The Universe (1980)

Voodoo Chile (1982)

Live 69-70 (1984)

Kiss The Sky (1985)

Superstar (1985)

Live At The Isle Of Wright (1988)

Radio One (1989)

Stages 67-70 (1992)

Blues (1994)

First Rags Of The New Rising (1997)

If Six Where Nine (1997)

BBC Sessions (1998)

New York Session (1998)

Live At The Fillmore East (1999)

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A Cd online megvsrolhat !

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Axis Bold As Love (1967)

Electric Ladyland (1968)

Cry Of Love (1970)

Experience (1971)

Hendrix In The West (1972)

At His Best (1972)

Loose Ends (1973)

Crash Landing (1975)

Plays Berkeley (1977)

The Greatest Rock Sensation (1977)

Live (1980)

Wake up This Morning (1981)

The Legendary Jimi Hendrix (1982)

Tomorrow Never Knows (1984)

Jimi Plays Monterey (1986)

Live At Winterland (1987)

Corner Stones (1990)

The Best Of & The Rest Of Jimi Hendrix  (1991)

Last experience (1994)

Live At Woodstock (1994)

South Saturn Delta (1997)

Early Years (1998)

Experience Hendrix (1998)

His greatest Hits (1998)

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Jimi Hendrix

Hey Joe
Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun of your hand
Hey Joe, i said where you goin' with that gun in your hand, oh
I'm goin' down to shoot my old lady
You know i caught her messin' 'round with another man
Yeah, i'm goin' down to shoot my old lady
You know i caught her messin' 'round with another man
Huh! and that ain't cool
Huh hey hoe, i heard you shot your mamma down
You shot her down now
Hey joe, i heard you shot your lady down
You shot her down in the groud yeah!
Yes, i did, i shot her
You know i caught her messin' round messin' round town
Huh, yes i did i shot her
You know i caught my old lady messin' 'round town
And i gave her the gun
And i shot her
Shoot her one more time again baby!
Oh dig it
Oh alright
Hey joe,
Where you gonna run to now where you gonna go
Hey joe, i said
Where you gonna run to now where you gonna go
I'm goin' way down south
Way down to mexico way
I'm goin' way down south
Way down where i can be free
Ain't no one gonna find me
Ain't no hang-man gonna
He ain't gonna put a rope around me
You better believe it right now
I gotta go now
Hey, joe
You better run on down
Goodbye everybody
Hey hey joe

Stone free
Everyday in the week i'm in a different city
If i stay too long people try to pull me down
They talk about me like a dog
Talkin' about the clothes i wear
But they don't realise they're the ones who's square
And that's why
You can't hold me down
I don't want to be down i gotta move
Stone free do what i please
Stone free to ride the breeze
Stone free i can't stay
I got to got to got to get away
Listen to this baby
A woman here a woman there try to keep me in a plastic cage
But they don't realise it's so easy to break
But sometimes i get a ha
Feel my heart kind of runnin' hot
That's when i've got to move before i get caught
And the is why, listen to me baby, you can't hold me down
I don't want to be tied down
I gotta be free
I said
Stone free do what i please
Stone free to ride the breeze
Stone free i can't stay
Got to got to got to get away
Yeah ow!
Tear me loose baby
Stone free to ride on the breeze
Stone free do what i please
Stone free i can't stay
Stone free i got to i got to get away
Stone free go on down the highway
Stone free don't try to hold me back baby
Stone free oh yeah baby
Stone free got to got to get away
Stone free goodbye baby

Purple haze
Purple haze all in my brain
Lately things just don't seem the same
Actin' funny, but I don't know why
'Scuse me while I kiss the sky
Purple Haze all around
Don't know if I'm comin' up or down
Am I happy or in misery?
What ever it is, that girl put a spell on me
Help me
Help me
Oh, no, no
[faint, spoken lyrics...all questionable]
Talkin' 'bout heart 'n'...s-soul
I'm talkin' about hard stuff
If everbodys still around, fluff and ease, if
So far out my mind
Somethings happening, somethings happening
Ooo, ahhh
Ooo, {click} ahhh,
Ooo, ahhh
Ooo, ahhh, YEAH!
Purple haze all in my eyes, uhh
Don't know if its day or night
You got me blowin', blowin' my mind
Is it tomorrow, or just the end of time?
Help me
Ahh, yea-yeah, purple haze, yeah
Oh, no, oh
Oh, help me
Purple haze, Tell me, baby, tell me
I can't go on like this
Purple haze
You're makin' me blow my mind...mama
Purple haze, n-no, nooo
Purple haze, no, its painful, baby

51st Anniversary
For fifty years they've been married
They can't wait for their fifty first
To roll around, yeah, roll around.
For thirty years they've been married
And now they're old and happy
And they settle down, ha ha
Settle down, yeah.
For twenty years they've been married
And they did everything that could be done
You know, they have their fun.

And then you come along and talk about it:
"So you, you say you wanna be married,
I'm gonna change your mind.
Oh, gotta change it."
That was the good side baby
Here comes the best side.
For ten years they've been married
A thousand kids went around homeless
'Cause their Mom was a louse
Daddy's down at the whisky house.
That ain't all,
For three years they've been married
They don't get along so good,
They're tired of each other.
You know how that goes,
She got another lover.
Hah, same old thing.
So now you're seventeen
You run around hangin' out
And having your fun
Life for you has just begun baby.

And then you come sayin':
"So you, you say you wanna be married.
Oh, baby, tryin' to put me on a chain
Ain't that some shame?
You must be losin' your weak little mind.
I ain't ready to get married,
I ain't ready.
I'm gonna change your mind.
Ooh, look out baby.
Auh, I ain't ready to get tied down
I ain't ready, I ain't ready now
Let me live a little while longer
Let me live, let me live a little while longer
So I can finish talking,
Let me get back to my groooove . . .

The wind cries Mary
After all the jacks are in their boxes
and the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness staggering on down the street
footsteps dressed in red
And the wind whispers Mary
A broom is drearily sweeping
up the broken pieces of yesterdays life
Somewhere a queen is weeping
Somewhere a king has no wife
And the wind, it cries Mary
The traffic lights, they turn, uh, blue tomorrow
and shine their emptiness down on my bed
The tiny island sags down stream
'cause the life that lived is,
is dead
And the wind screams Mary
Uh-will the wind ever remember
the names it has blow in the past?
And with this crutch, its old age, and its wisdom
it whispers no, this will be the last
And the wind cries Mary

Highway chile
Yeah, his guitar slung across his back
His dusty boots is his Cadillac
Flamin' hair just a blowin' in the wind
Ain't seen a bed in so long it's a sin
He left home when he was seventeen
The rest of the world he had longed to see
But everybody knows the Boss
A rolling stone who gathers no moss

But you'd probably call him a tramp
But it goes a little deeper than that
He's a highway chile, yeah

Now some people say he had a girl back home
Who messed around and did him pretty wrong
They tell me it kinda hurt him bad
Kinda made him feel pretty sad
I couldn't say what went through his mind
Anyway, he left the world behind
But everybody knows the same old story,
In love and war you can't lose in glory
Now you'd probably call him a tramp
But I know it goes a little deeper than that
He's a highway chile
Walk on brother, yeah
One more brother
His old guitar slung across his back
His dusty boots is his Cadillac
Flamin' hair just a blowin' in the wind
Ain't seen a bed in so long it's a sin
Now you may call him a tramp
But I know it goes a little deeper than that
He's a highway chile
Walk on brother
Don't let no one stop you
Highway chile
Yeah yeah yeah
Highway chile
Go on down the highway
Highway chile
Yeah yeah yeah
Highway chile

Foxy lady
You know you're a cute little heartbreaker
You know you're a sweet little lovemaker
I wanna take you home
I won't do you no harm, no
You've got to be all mine, all mine
Ooh, foxy lady
I see you, heh, on down on the scene
You make me wanna get up and scream
Ah, baby listen now
I've made up my mind
I'm tired of wasting all my precious time
You've got to be all mine, all mine
Foxy lady
Here I come
I'm gonna take you home
I won't do you no harm, no
You've got to be all mine, all mine

Here I come
I'm comin' to get ya
Foxy lady
You look so good
Yeah, foxy
Yeah, give us some
Yeah, get it, babe
You make me feel like
Feel like sayin' foxy
Foxy lady
Foxy lady

Manic depression
Manic depression is touching my soul
I know what I want but I just don't know
How to, go about gettin' it
Feeling sweet feeling,
Drops from my fingers, fingers
Manic depression is catchin' my soul

Woman so weary, the sweet cause in vain
You make love, you break love
It's all the same
When it's, when it's over, mama
Music, sweet music
I wish I could caress, caress, caress
Manic depression is a frustrating mess

Well, I think I'll go turn myself off,
And go on down
All the way down
Really ain't no use in me hanging around
In your kinda scene
Music, sweet music
I wish I could caress, caress, caress
Manic depression is a frustrating mess
Ow! ow!
Music sweet music sweet music
Sweet music sweet music

Red house
Ah yeah!
There's a red house over yonder,
That's where my baby stays
Lord, there's a red house over yonder
Lord, there's where my baby stays
I ain't been home to see my baby
In ninty nine and one half days

Wait a minute, something's wrong here
The key won't unlock this door
Wait a minute, something's wrong, lord, have mercy
This key won't unlock this door,
something's goin' on here
I have a bad bad feeling
That my baby don't live her no more

Well, I might as well go back over yonder,
Way back up on the hill
That's something to do
Lord, I might as well go back over yonder,
Way back yonder cross the hill
'Cus if my baby don't love me no more...
I know her sister will

Can you see me ?
Can you see me?
Begging you on my knees
Wo yeah
Can you see? me baby
Baby please don't leave
Yeah if you can see me doing that
You can see in the future of a thousand years
Can you hear me?
Cryin' all over town
Yeah babe
Can you hear me baby?
Crying cause you put me down
What's with ya
If you can hear me doing that
You can hear a freight train coming from a thousand miles
Ah yeah
Can you hear me?
Singing this song to you
Ah you better hold up your ears
Can you see me baby?
Singing theis song to you
Ah shucks
If you can hear me sing
You better come home like you supposed to do
Can you see me?
Hey hey
I don't believe you can see me
Wo yeah
Can you hear me baby?
I don't believe you can
You can't see me

Love or confusion
Is that the stars in the sky, or is it, rain fallin' down
Will it burn me if I touch the sun-uh, yeah, so big, so round
Would I be truthful, yeah, in, uh,
in chosin' you as the one for me?
Is this love, baby, or is it, uh-huh,
Just, uh, confusion?
O-Oh, my mind is so messed up-uh, Goin' 'round and 'round
Must there be all the colors-uh
Without names, without sound, baby?
My heart burns with feeling, but, uh
Woe, but my mind, its cold and reeling
Is this love, baby, or, uh-huh, or is it confusion?
Oh, my head is poundin', poundin'
Goin' 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round
Must there always be these colors?, uh
Without names, without sound
My heart burns with feelin'
Oh, but my mind is cold and reelin', uh
Is this love, baby
Or is it-uh, huh, just, uh, confusion?
Oh, you tell me baby, is this , uh, love or confusion?
Mama, we must get together and, uh, find out
Exactly what we're tryin' to do
Love or confusion?, Confusion

I don't live today
Will I live tomorrow?
Well, I just can't say
Will I live tomorrow?
Well, I just can't say
But I know for sure
I don't live today
No sun comin' through my windows
Feel like I'm livin' at the bottom of a grave
No-ho sun comin' through my windows
Feel like I'm livin' at the bottom of a grave
I wish you'd hurry up and rescue me
So I can be on my miserable way
(Well), I don't
Live today
Maybe tomorrow, I just can't say, but, uh
I don't
Live today
It's such a shame to waste your time away like this
Well, uh-I don't
Live today
Maybe tomorrow, I just can't tell you baby, but, uh
Oh, I don't
Live today
Its such a shame to spend the time
Away like this
Oh, no
Oh, there ain't no life no where
Uh-ha, {cough}-hmm, {sniff}
Down, man
(Are) you experienced? {clap}
Get experienced {clap}
Get experienced
Uh, get experienced {clap}
Uh, get experienced {clap} (BV=[Are] you experienced?)
Are you experienced? (BV={clap} Are you experienced?)

May this be love
Nothing can harm me at all
My worries seem so very small
With my waterfall
I can see
My rainbow calling me
Through the misty breeze
Of my waterfall
Some people say
Day-dreamings for all the, huh,
Lazy minded fools
With nothin' else to do
So let them laugh, laugh at me
So just as long as I have you
To see me through
I have nothing to lose
'Long as I have you
Don't ever change your ways
Fall with me for a million days
Oh, my waterfall

Alright, now dig this, baby
You don't care for me, I don't a-care about that
Got a new fool, ha, I'd like to laugh at
I have only one burning desire,
let me stand next to your fire
Hey (BV=Let me stand next to your fire)
Let me stand next to your fire
(BV=Let me stand next to your fire)
Whoa, let me stand, baby, (BV=Let me stand next to your fire),
Let me stand, (BV=Let me stand next to your fire), Yeah, baby
Listen here, baby, and stop actin' so crazy
You say your mom ain't home,
it ain't my concern, Just a-play with me
and you won't get burned, I have only one itchin' desire,
let me stand next to your fire
Msssst, yeah (BV=Let me stand next to your fire)
Let me stand, baby
(BV=Let me stand next to your fire)
Let me stand
(BV=Let me stand next to your fire)
Oh, let me stand
(BV=Let me stand next to your fire)
Ow!, Ahh, move over, Rover
and let Jimi take over,
Yeah, you know what I'm talk(in') about
Yeah, get on with it, baby, Ow, Yeah
Thats what I'm talkin' about, Now dig this
Ha!, Now listen, baby
You try to give me your money,
you better save it, babe
Save it for your rainy day
I have only one burnin' desire,
let me stand next to your fire, ha
Ow (BV=Let me stand next to your fire)
Uh, let me stand
(BV=Let me stand next to your fire)
Oh, let me stand, baby
(BV=Let me stand next to your fire)
I ain't gonna do you no harm
(BV=Let me stand next to your fire)
Ow, Yeah, You better move over, baby
I ain't gonna hurt ya, baby
Ah, I ain't talk(in') with your ol' lady
Ow, Ah, yes, this is Jimi talkin' to you
Yeah, baby, Doooo

Third stone from the sun
{intro slowwed down talking begins}
Star fleet to scout ship, please give your position. Over.
I'm in orbit around the third planet from the star called
the sun. Over.
You mean its the Earth? Over.
Positive. It is known to have some form of intelligent species. Over.
I think we should take a look.
{intro slowwed down talking ends}
Strange beautiful grass of green,
with your majestic silver seas
Your mysterious mountains I wish to see closer
May I land my kinky machine?
{start slowwed down}
Strange beautiful, grass of green
with your majestic silver seas
Your mysterious mountains I wish to see closer
May I land my kinky machine?
{end slowwed down}
Although your world wonders me,
with your majestic and superior cackling hen
Your people I do not understand,
so to you I shall put an end
And you'll
never hear
surf music again
{start slowwed down...rough guess at lyrics}
Oh, secret
{end slowwed down}

Oh, remember the mocking bird, my baby bun
He used to sing for his supper, baby
Yes he used to sing for his supper, babe
He used to sing so sweet
Since my baby left me he ain't sang for two long days
Oh, remember the blue-birds and the honey bees,
They used to sing for sunshine
They used to sing for the flowers
They used to sing so sweet
But since my baby left me they ain't sang in two long days
Hey pretty baby, come on back to me
Make ev'ry body as happy as can be
So, baby, if you'll please come home again you know I'll
Kiss you for my supper,
You know I'll kiss you for my dinner, yeah!
But, ah, if you don't come back you know I'll have to
Starve to death
'Cus I ain't had one kiss all day now
Please remember
You've got to remember
You've got to remember our love
Come on back, baby, come on back in my arms,
I'll make ev'rything that better
Come on, baby, hurry up now
Can you hear me calling you back again now?
Come on, baby, stop jiving around, hurry home, hurry home

Are you experienced ?
If you can just get your mind together
uh-then come on across to me
We'll hold hands and then we'll watch the sunrise
From the bottom of the sea
But first, are you experienced?
Uh-have you ever been experienced-uh?
Well, I have
(Well) I know, I know, you'll probably scream and cry
that your little world won't let you go
But who in your measly little world, (-uh)
are you tryin' to prove to that you're
made out of gold and-uh, can't be sold
So-uh, are you experienced?
Have you ever been experienced? (-uh)
Well, I have
Uh, let me prove it to you, yeah
Trumpets and violins I can-uh, hear in the distance
I think they're callin' our name
Maybe now you can't hear them,
but you will, ha-ha, if you just
take hold of my hand
Ohhh, but are you experienced?
Have you ever been experienced?
Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful

Announcer: (mitch mitchell)
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to radio station exp. tonight we are
Ffeaturing an interview with a very peculiar
Looking gentlemen who goes by the name of mr.
Paul corusoe, on the dodogy subject of are there
Or are there not flying saucers or... ahem,
Ufo's. please mr corusoe, pleased could you
Give your regarded opinion on this nonsense
About spaceships and even space people.
Mr corusoe: (jimi hendrix)
Thank you. as you all know, you just can't
Believe everything you see and hear, can you. now,
If you will excuse me, is must be on my way.
Announcer: (mitch mitchell)
Bu... but, but... i, i, don't
believe it

Up from the skies
I just want to talk to you
I won't uh, do you no harm
I just want to know about your different lives
On this is here people farm
I heard some of you got your families
Living in cages tall and cold
And some just stay there and dust away
Past the age of old.
Is this true ?
Please let me talk to you.

I just wanna know about
The rooms behind your minds
Uh do I see a vacuum there
Or am I going blind ?
Or is it just uh, remains of vibrations
And echoes long ago ?
Uh things like "Love the world" and uh
Uh "Let your fancy flow"
Is this true ?
Please let me talk to you
Let me talk to you.

I have lived here before
The days of ice
And of course this is why
I'm so concerned
And I come back to find
The stars misplaced
And the smell of a world
That is burned
A smell of a world
That is burned.
Yeah well, maybe, hmm...
Maybe it's just a... change of climate
Hmm, hmm...
Well I can dig it
I can dig it baby
I just want to see.
So where do I purchase my ticket ?
I'd just like to have a ringside seat
I want to know about the new Mother Earth
I want to hear and see everything
I want to hear and see everything
I want to hear and see everything
Aww, shucks
If my daddy could see me now
Everything, everything, everything, oh everything.

Spanish castle magic
It's very far away
It takes about a half and a day to get there
If we travel by my uh, dragon-fly
No it's not in Spain
But all the same you know, it's a groovy name
And the wind's just right.
Hey !
Hang on my darling
Hang on if you wanna go
Here it's a really groovy place
It's uh, just a little bit of uh, said uh, Spanish Castle Magic.
The clouds are really low
And they overflow with cotton candy
And battle grounds red and brown
But it's all in your mind
Don't think your time on bad things
Just float your little mind around
Look out ! Ow !
Hang on my darling, yeah
Hang on if you wanna go
Get on top, really let me groove baby with uh Just a little bit of Spanish Castle Magic. Yeah baby,
here's some
Yeah, ok babe, ok
It's still all in your mind babe
Oww !
Yeah !
Ah !
Hang on my darling, hey
Hang on, hang on if you wanna go
And it's happening, oh no, damn hey ! That's right baby, listen
A little bit of Spanish Castle Magic
Hey !
Little bit of Spanish Castle Magic
Hey hey !
I can't uh, sing this song, no
Yeah, ok baby
Get on baby
It's all in your mind baby
Little bit of daydream here and there
Oh !
Yeah !
Ooh ! yeah !
Ow !
Ev'rything's gonna be alright babe!

Wait until tomorrow
Well, I'm standing here, freezing, inside your golden garden
Uh got my ladder, leaned up against your wall
Tonight's the night we planned to run away together
Come on Dolly Mae, there's no time to stall
But now you're telling me...
I think we better wait till tomorrow
Hey, yeah, hey
(I think we better wait till tomorrow)
Girl, what 'chu talkin' 'bout ?
(I think we better wait till tomorrow)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Got to make sure it's right, so until tomorrow, goodnight.
Oh, what a drag.
Oh, Dolly Mae, how can you hang me up this way ?
Oh, on the phone you said you wanted to run off with me today
Now I'm standing here like some turned down serenading fool
Hearing strange words stutter from the mixed mind of you
And you keep tellin' me that ah...

I think we better wait till tomorrow
What are you talkin' 'bout ?
(I think we better wait till tomorrow)
No, can't wait that long
(I think we better wait till tomorrow)
Oh, no
Got to make sure it's right, until tomorrow, goodnight, oh.
Let's see if I can talk to this girl a little bit here...
Ow ! Dolly Mae, girl, you must be insane
So unsure of yourself leaning from your unsure window pane
Do I see a silhouette of somebody pointing something from a tree ?
Click bang, oh what a hang, your daddy just shot poor me
And I hear you say, as I fade away...
We don't have to wait till tomorrow
Hey !
We don't have to wait till tomorrow
What you say ?
(We don't have to wait till tomorrow)
It must have been right, so forever, goodnight, listen at 'cha.

(We don't have to wait till tomorrow)
Ah ! Do I have to wait ? Don't have to wait
(We don't have to wait till tomorrow)
It's a drag on my part
(We don't have to wait till tomorrow) Don't have to wait, uh, hmm ! Ah, no !
(We don't have to wait till tomorrow)
Don't have to wait, don't have to wait, yeah !
(We don't have to wait till tomorrow)
Don't have to wait, don't have to wait
(We don't have to wait till tomorrow)
Oh, oh
I won't be around tomorrow, yeah !
(We don't have to wait till tomorrow)
Don't have to wait
(We don't have to wait till tomorrow)
Goodbye, bye bye !
(We don't have to wait till tomorrow)
Oh, what a mix up
Oh, you gotta be crazy, hey, ow!
Don't have to wait till tomorrow.

Ain't no telling
Well there ain't no hu
Ain't no telling baby
When you will see me again
But I pray it will be tomorrow.

Well the sunrise
Is burnin' my eyes baby
Well now I must leave now
But I really hope to see you tomorrow.

Yeah well my house is oh, such a million miles away
The feelin' there always hangs up my day
Oh Cleopatra, she's driving me insane
She's tryin' to put my body in her brain
So uh, just uh, kiss me goodbye, just to ease the pain.

Sing it, hah, sing it, hah !

Ain't no, ain't no telling baby
There ain't no telling baby
When you're gonna see me
'Cause I really hope that uh, it'll be tomorrow
You know what I'm talkin' 'bout
Wooo, yeah
Hope it'll be ah, hope it'll be tomorrow, ah
Ain't no tellin' baby
Yeah, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout
Anyway, must leave now.

Little wing
Well she's walking through the clouds
With a circus mind that's running round
Butterflies and zebras
And moonbeams and fairy tales
That's all she ever thinks about
Riding with the wind.
When I'm sad, she comes to me
With a thousand smiles, she gives to me free
It's alright she says it's alright
Take anything you want from me, anything
Fly on little wing,
Yeah yeah, yeah, little wing

Little miss lover
Little miss lover,
Where have you been in this world for so long
Well, I love a lover that feels like you
Would you like to tag along?
Well I really don't need any help little girl
But I think you could help me out anyway
Ah sack it to me
Would you believe babe i've been looking for a sole
That feels like you
For some time
Excuse me while i see
If the gypsy in me is right
If you don't mind
Well he signals me ok
So i think it's safe to say
I'm gonna make a play
Oh yeah
See me walk towards you baby
Ah give me some
Oh get into it
hey hey little miss lover
Well now, there's so much you and me can discover
And i think we should start, hey, we should start right now, baby
Hey little miss lover
Ah little miss lover
Yeah little miss lover
Ah baby
Ah look at me baby
Little miss lover
Hey baby

Bold as love
Anger he smiles, towering in shiny metallic purple armour
Queen Jealousy, envy waits behind him
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground

Blue are the life-giving waters taken for granted,
They quietly understand
Once happy turquoise armies lay opposite ready,
But wonder why the fight is on

But they're all bold as love, yes, they're all bold as love
Yeah, they're all bold as love
Just ask the axis

My red is so confident that he flashes trophies of war and
ribbons of euphoria
Orange is young, full of daring,
But very unsteady for the first go round
My yellow in this case is not so mellow
In fact I'm trying to say it's frigthened like me
And all these emotions of mine keep holding me from, eh,
Giving my life to a rainbow like you
But, I'm eh , yeah, I'm bold as love
Yeah, yeah
Well I'm bold, bold as love (hear me talking, girl)
I'm bold as love
Just ask the axis (he knows everything)
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Voodoo chile
Well, I'm a voodoo chile
Lord I'm a voodoo chile

Well, the night I was born
Lord I swear the moon turned a fire red
The night I was born
I swear the moon turned a fire red
Well my poor mother cried out "lord, the gypsy was right!"
And I seen her fell down right dead
(Have mercy)
Well, mountain lions found me there waitin'
And set me on a eagles back
Well, mountain lions found me there,
And set me on a eagles wing
(Its' the eagles wing, baby, what did I say)
He took me past to the outskirts of infinity,
And when he brought me back,
He gave me a venus witch's ring
And he said "Fly on, fly on"
Because I'm a voodoo chile, baby, voodoo chile

Well, I make love to you,
And lord knows you'll feel no pain
Say, I make love to you in your sleep,
And lord knows you felt no pain
(Have mercy)
'Cause I'm a million miles away
And at the same time I'm right here in your picture frame
(Yeah! What did I say now)
'Cause I'm a voodoo chile
Lord knows I'm a voodoo chile

Well my arrows are made of desire
From far away as Jupiters sulphur mines
Say my arrows are made of desire, desire
From far away as Jupiters sulphur mines
(Way down by the Methabe Sea, yeah)
I have a humming bird and it hums so loud,
You think you were losing your mind, hmmm...

Well I float in liquid gardens
And Arizona new red sand
I float in liquid gardens
Way down in Arizona red sand

Well, I taste the honey from a flower named Blue,
Way down in California
And the n New York drowns as we hold hands

'Cause I'm a voodoo chile
Lord knows I'm a voodoo chile

Little miss strange
No one knows where she comes from
Maybe she's a devil in disguise
I can tell by looking in her eyes.

Little miss strange
Little miss strange.

Little miss strange came into my parlor
I don't know just what to ask her
I don't remember what we did after.

Little miss strange
Little miss strange.

Little miss strange came out of the darkness
Walked across my head, I stood beneath the light
I'm talkin' 'bout the dream I had the other night.

Little miss strange
Little miss strange

Long hot summer night
It sure was a long long long hot summer night
As far as my eyes could see
Well my heart was way
down in a cold cold winter storm.

Well my darlin' where can you be? Where can you be baby?
Where can you be?

There was three sugar walls and a two candy cane windows
But the serious mood melted ah all those insight
Everybody's on fire but I'm uh snowin' in a cold blizzard.
Where are you on this ah hot cold summer?
Where are you on this ah hot cold summer?
Where are you on this ah hot cold summer night?
Around about this time the telephone blew its horn across the room
Scared little Annie clean out of her mind and I tell ya
Roman the Candle he peeps out of his peekaboo hide and seek
And grabbed little Annie from the ceiling just in time
And the telephone keeps on screamin'.
Yeah yeah yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Hello said my shaked voice, well how you doin' I start to stutter look
ah can't cha tell I'm ah doin'
fine There was my baby talkin' she's way down 'cross the border.
She says I'm gonna hurry to ya I've been a fool
And I'm tired of cryin'
Said I'm tired Jimi.

Yes a long long long hot summer night
As far as my eyes could see
But I can ah feel the heat comin' on as my baby's gettin' closer.

I'm so glad that my baby's comin' to rescue me
So glad that my baby's comin' to rescue me
So glad that my baby's comin' to rescue me
Rescue, rescue me, rescue
Rescue me, rescue
Rescue, rescue, What'd I say
Rescue me, rescue me
Rescue, rescue me, rescue
Rescue me

Come on ( let the good times roll )
People talkin' but they just don't know,
What's in my heart, and why I love you so.
I love you baby like a miner loves gold.
Come on sugar, let the good times roll.
(Let the good times roll).

So many people live in make believe,
They keep a lot a going up their sleeves.
But my love baby is no kind that folds.
Come On Baby, let the good times roll.
(Let the good times roll).

Let the good times roll
Oh come on baby
Come on baby andlet daddy do you so
Hey yeah, baby let the good times roll

A love is nice if it's understood
It's even nicer when you're feelin' good
You got me flippin' like flag on a pole
Come on sugar, let the good times roll

Let the good times roll
Let the good times roll
Let me show a baby
Let the good times roll

Gypsy eyes
Well I realize that I've been hypnotized,
I love your gypsy eyes
I love your gypsy eyes


Way up in my tree I'm sitting by my fire
Wond'rin' where in this world might you be
And knowin' all the time you're still roamin' in the country side
Do you still think about me?
Oh my gypsy.

Well I walked right on to your rebel roadside
The one that rambles on for a million miles
Yes I walk down this road searchin' for your love and ah my soul too
But when I find ya I ain't gonna let go.

I remember the first time I saw you
The tears in your eyes look like they're tryin' to say
Oh little boy you know I could love you
But first I must make my get away
Two strange men fightin' to the death over me today
I'll try to meet cha by the old highway.

Well I realize that I've been hypnotized, I love your gypsy eyes
I love your gypsy eyes
I love your gypsy eyes
I love your gypsy eyes
I've been searchin' so long my feet have made me lose the battle
Down against the road my weary knees they got me
Off to the side I fall but I hear a sweet call
My gypsy eyes is comin' and I've been saved.
Oh I've been saved
That's why I love you uh
Said I love you
Love you uh
Lord I love you

Burning of the midnight lamp
The morning is dead
And the day is, too
There's nothing left here to meet me
But the velvet moon
All my loneliness I have felt today
It's like a little more than enough
To make a man throw himself away

And I continue
To burn the midnight lamp
Now the smiling portrait of you
Is still hangin' on my frowning wall
It really doesn't, really doesn't bother me too much at all
It's just the ever falling dust
That makes it so hard for me to see
That forgotten earring layin' on the floor
Facing coldly towards the door

I continue
To burn the midnight lamp
Lord, alone
Loneliness is such a drag
So here I sit to face
That same old fire place
Gettin' ready for the same old explosion
Goin' through my mind
And soon enough time will tell,
About the circus in the wishing well
And someone who will buy and sell for me
Someone to toll my bell
But I continue
To burn the midnight lamp
Lord, alone
Darlin' can't ya hear me callin' you?
So lonely
Gonna have to blow my mind

Rainy day, dream away
Hey man, take a look out the window 'n' see what's happ'nin'
Hey man, it's rainin'
It's rainin' outside man
Aw, don't worry 'bout that
Everything's gonna be everything
We'll get into somethin' real nice you know
Sit back and groove on a rainy day
Yeah I see what you mean brother, lay back and groove.

Rainy day, dream away
Ah let the sun take a holiday
Flowers bathe an' ah see the children play
Lay back and groove on a rainy day.

Well I can see a bunch of wet creatures, look at them on the run
The carnival traffic noise it sings the tune splashing up 'n'
Even the ducks can groove rain bathin' in the park side pool
And I'm leanin' out my window sill diggin' ev'rything
And ah and you too.
Rainy day, rain all day
Ain't no use in gettin' uptight
Just let it groove its own way
Let it drain your worries away yeah
Lay back and groove on a rainy day hey
Lay back and dream on a rainy day

House burning down
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey

Look at the sky turn a hell fire red
Somebody's house is burnin' down down, down down
Down, down, down.
Well I asked my friend where is that black smoke comin' from ?
He just coughed and changed the subject and said oh wa I think it might
snow some
So I left him sippin' his tea an' I jumped in my chariot
And rode off to see just why and who could it be this time.
Sisters and brothers daddys mothers standin' 'round cryin'
When I reached the scene the flames were makin' a ghostly whine
So I stood on my horse's back an' I screamed without a crack
I say oh baby why'd you burn your brother's house down ?
Hey ! Hey ! Hey ! Hey !

Look out the sky turn a hell fire red Lord
Somebody's house is burnin' down down, down down
Look out the sky turn a hell fire red Lord
Somebody's house is burnin' down down, down down down.

Well someone stepped from the crowd he was nineteen miles high
He shouts retired and disgusted so we paint red through the sky
I said the truth is straight ahead so don't burn yourself instead
Try to learn instead of burn, hear what I say, yeah, yeah.

So I fin'ly rode away but I'll never forget that day
'Cause when I reached the valley I looked way down cross the way
A giant boat from space landed with eerie grace
And came and taken all the dead away.

Hey ! Hey ! Hey ! Hey !
What'd I say.
Look at the sky turn a hell fire red Lord
Somebody's house is burning down down, down down
Look at the sky turn a hell fire red Lord
Somebody's house is burning down down, down down
Look at the sky, look at the sky.

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Oh baby


:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$
Mi a vlemnyetek a hippikrl?

IMDOM KET s mindent ami velk kapcsolatos(taln
Bejn a hippi letstlus!
J ez, de nem tlzottan rdekel.
szerintem semmi rtelme sem volt a hippi mozgalomn
Szerintem hlyk, s folyton drogoznak, nem szeret
Azt nem akarod tudni...
Szavazs llsa
Lezrt szavazsok
"Kpzeld el az embereket | Hogy bkben lnek... | Mondhatod, hogy lmodoz vagyok | De nem n vagyok az egyetlen | Remlem egy napon csatlakozol hozznk | s a vilg egysges lesz."
John Lennon (rszlet az Imagine c. dalbl)
"Nem ltezik bkhez vezetõ t. A bke az t."
Mahatma Gandhi
"A bke nem a nemzetek egyfajta kapcsolata. Ez az elme llapota, amit a llek derûje okoz. A bke nem csupn a hbor hinya. Ez az elme llapota is. Hosszan tart bke csak bks emberek kz jn el."

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