Welcome to the age of Aquarius!
Welcome to the age of Aquarius!

Elfelejtettem a jelszt
Bke jel


A kr szimbolizlja az egsz mindensget, az egsz vilgot, minden l dolgot.A kzpbl kirad sugarak jelentik a klnbz utakat a mindensg fel.Ugyanakkor jelkpezik a bke-galamb lbnyomt is.


A 60-as, 70-es vek zeni,zenszei
Beatles rkk
*John Lennon
Induls: 2006-02-05
Vlaszz TE!
Most a Hair c. szm van, mert azt krttek de lehet jra szavazni!
Milyen zene legyen a honlapon?

Aquarius(a rgi)/Hairbl
Let the sunshine in!/Hair
Good Morning Starshine/Hair
Dead End/Hair
Hare Krishna(Be in)/Hair
Ms(ird a vendgknyvbe)
Szavazs llsa
Lezrt szavazsok
*Zene* /Hair/


Jethro Tull

"Tl reg a rock & rollhoz, tl fiatal a hallhoz"

1967-ben alakult angol zenekar.

Eredeti fellls:

Mick Abrahams gitr;

Ian Anderson nek, fuvola, gitr;

Clive Bunker dob;

Glenn Cornick basszusgitr.

A CD online megvsrolhat !
The Ultimate Fet (1999)

     Az egyttes nevt egy XVIII. szzadi angol fldmvestl kapta. Jethro Tull mezgazdasgi reformokat vezetett be, megalkotta az els vetgpet, s rt egy knyvet "Hogyan kell lovakat s nemesebb paripkat dresszrozni, s ms tudnivalk az llattenyszts s mezei gazdszat tudomnybl" cmmel. A zenekar egyik alaptja, nekes-fuvols-gitrosa: Ian Anderson 1947. oktber 8-n szletett. A rock skt koboldja plyafutst a 63-ban alakult Blades-ben kezdte. Itt ismerkedett meg j nhny ksbbi zensztrsval. Nhny hasonl prblkozs: The John Evan Band s a John Evan's Smash utn 1967 novemberben hozta ltre a ma is ltez rockegyttest. Eleinte fleg bluesos szmokat jtszottak, sok egyni tlettel fszerezve a mr bevlt formkat. Nevk az angol rdiban gyakran hangzott el, a lemezlovasok szvesen jtszottk szmaikat. Els lemezk klnleges hangzsa, az elektronikus s fleg az akusztikus hangszerek, klnsen a fuvola hangja j sznt hozott a mr akkor is tarka rockvilgba. 68 decemberben megvlt az egyttestl Mick Abrahams, aki rvid let, de ignyes zent jtsz zenekarokat hozott ltre, majd szlkarrierbe kezdett. Helyre a kivl gitros, Martin Lancelot Barre (1946. nov. 17.) kerlt. A msodik lemeztl kezdve Anderson tvette a totlis irnytst. A klnleges, klnc ltzkds, hanyag skt ifj koncertjeiken bontakozott ki igazn. Progresszv, kidolgozott zenjket pomps showelemekkel dsztettk. Ezek kz tartozott az is, amikor a frontember Anderson gy nekelt, hogy szjt nem vette le a fuvolrl. Ettl klns, bizarr hangok keletkeztek. A kellemes s kpzett hang nekes s virtuz fuvols nagyon gyesen jtszott az akusztikus gitrjn is. Egymst kvettk a jobbnl-jobb lemezek. Br a zenekar soraiban egyre tbb lett a tagcsere, ez nem rontott albumaik, koncertjeik magas sznvonaln. Az 1971-es Aqualung-on a kt lemezoldal kln cmet is kapott. Ebbl a msodik cme: God. Vallsi nzetek s vlemnyek - Ian Anderson addig ismeretlen, blcs gondolatai - tallhatk ezen az oldalon. Ekkor mr billentys is jtszott az egyttesben - John Evan, aki rgi ismerse volt Andersonnak, hiszen annak idejn Evan volt a fnk. ettl fogva nem volt meglls a rockban. 72-ben koncept albumot ksztettek - Thick As A Brick (Ostoba, mint egy tgla) cmmel:

"Hadd mesljek neked leted trtneteibl,
A ks vgsrl s dfsrl,
A fradhatatlan Elnyomsrl,
A beplntlt blcsessgrl, a vgyrl, hogy lj,
Vagy, hogy megljenek. Hadd nekeljek vesztesekrl,
Akik az utcn fekszenek, mikor az utols busz elmegy.
A jrdk resek: a csatorna vrsen hmplyg,
Mg a bolond ksznti istent az gben."

A szveg megrsban Gerald Bostock, a mindssze 8 ves rpalnta is rszvett. A kemny, brl szveg miatt be is tiltottk ezt a lemezt. Ez a m klns gonddal kszlt, s az egyttes egyik remekmve lett. A keretet az akusztikus versikk alkotjk, melyek kztt kln-kln s egytt is megmutatjk a Tull-tagok, hogy mire kpesek. A kvetkez vben ismt koncept alkotssal, az A Passion Play-el jelentkeztek. Ismt nagyon komoly, sszetett jelentst hordoz szvegek kszltek, s a zene mg tkletesebb lett - szinte mr klasszikus szerkesztettsg. A Passion play egyik rdekessge egy verses mese a nylrl, amely elvesztette a szemvegt. Ezektl a korongoktl a Tull-sound megvltozott, s ezt a vltozst nem minden rajong fogadta egyrtelm rmmel. A zenekarok letben mindig vannak rosszabb idszakok, a Tull-nl ez 1974-ben volt soron, amikor a rajongbzis nem akarta befogadni az j trekvseket. Anderson ekkor rta meg a War Child cm film zenjt. Az ezt kvet LP-k mind az akusztikus, mind az elektronikus Tull-sound kellkeit tartalmaztk: Minstrel In The Gallery, Songs From The Wood. A 76-os lemez dupla bortjn eredeti jts, egy kpregny lthat, amely a lemez tartalmt - Ray Lomas trtnett - mutatja be. Az vtized vgre zenjkbe sikeresen olvasztottk be a fleg kelta eredet npzene elemeit. E ksrlet nagyszer eredmnye lett  a Stormwatch. A kvetkez vtizedben eltrbe kerltek az elektronikus hangszerek s a szmtgpes hangzsok - mindez a new wave hatsa volt. Ennek ellenre tovbbra is magas sznvonal, kidolgozott, az tlagot messze meghalad alkotsaik voltak. 1983-ban Ian Anderson s a volt Amory Kane tag, Dave Pegg (1947. nov. 2.) is szllemezt jelentettek meg. Pegg rdekessge, hogy nemcsak a Tull egyik lland, oszlopos tagja, hanem a Fairport Convention basszusgitrosa is volt egyidben. 1986-ban a mr kiss reged Jethro Tull fellpett Budapesten, az MTK stadionban, s feledhetetlen perceket szerzett a hallgatsgnak. De feledhetetlen lmnyt nyjthatott Andersonnak az a magyar kzptvfut hlgy is, akirl a kvetkez albumon megjelen Budapest cm dalban emlkezett meg. Az vtizedet a Rock Island zrta. Azutn a kilencvenes vekben - a mr szoksos ktves sznet utn - megjelent a Catfish Rising, amelyen Andersonk visszatrtek a kiss nyersebb, blues-alap rockzenhez. De mindezeken tl egyelre gy nz ki, hogy a Tull nem tud kiregedni a rockbl, ahhoz pedig, hogy meghaljanak mg mindig tl fiatalok. Az egyttes rocktrtneti helyt elssorban Anderson zsenialitsa hatrozta meg. Szinte az egyetlen olyan progresszv banda, akik tretlen sikerrel alkottak tbb mint harminc ven t. Tbb mint 55 milli lemezt adtak el eddig, amelyekrt harminc gymntlemezt, nyolcvan platina s megszmllhatatlan aranylemezt kaptak. A Jethro Tull mindg tudott valami jat nyjtani rajonginak a rock, jazz, az angol s kelta npzene zsenilis tvzetvel.


A CD online megvsrolhat !
Original Masters (1985)

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Aqualung (1971)

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Thick As A Brick (1972)

This Was (1968)

War Child (1974)

Minstrel In The Gallery (1975)

Songs From The Wood (1977)

Repeat - Best Of 2 (1977)

Stormwatch (1979)

A (1980)

A Classic Case (1985)

Divinities: Twelve Dances With God (1992)

Jethro Tull Box Set (1996)

Best Of Jethro Tull (1999)

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Rock Island (1989)

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20Years Of Jethro Tull (1988)

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The Broadsworth And The Beast (1983)

Stand Up (1969)

Living In the Past (1972)

Too Old To Rock&Roll Too Young To Die (1976)

M.U. Best Of (1976)

Heavy Horses (1978)

Bursting Out (1978)

Under Wraps (1984)

Crest Of A Knave (1987)

Roots To Branches (1996)

In Concert (1998)

J-Tull Dot Com (1999)

A CD online megvsrolhat !
A Passion Play (1973)

A CD online megvsrolhat !
Benefit (1970)

A CD online megvsrolhat !
Catfish Rising (1991)



Jethro Tull


Love Story
Going back in the morning time
to see if my love has changed her mind, yeah.
I know what I will find
that she is wasting time,
she could be picking roses.
Going back in the morning time
to see if my love has seen the light, yeah.
Oh, I told her last night
she should improve her sight,
she could be painting the roof.

Going back in the morning time
to see if my love has come around, yeah.
She offered me no sound,
her head is in the ground,
She could be calling for winter.

Christmas Song
Once in Royal David's City stood a lonely cattle shed,
where a mother held her baby.
You'd do well to remember the things He later said.
When you're stuffing yourselves at the Christmas parties,
you'll just laugh when I tell you to take a running jump.
You're missing the point I'm sure does not need making
that Christmas spirit is not what you drink.
So how can you laugh when your own mother's hungry,
and how can you smile when the reasons for smiling are wrong?
And if I just messed up your thoughtless pleasures,
remember, if you wish, this is just a Christmas song.

(Hey! Santa! Pass us that bottle, will you?)

Living In The Past
Happy and I'm smiling,
walk a mile to drink your water.
You know I'd love to love you,
and above you there's no other.
We'll go walking out
while others shout of war's disaster.
Oh, we won't give in,
let's go living in the past.
Once I used to join in
every boy and girl was my friend.
Now there's revolution, but they don't know
what they're fighting.
Let us close out eyes;
outside their lives go on much faster.
Oh, we won't give in,
we'll keep living in the past.

Driving Song
Will they ever stop drivin' me?
Have they ever taken time to see
That I need some rest
if I'm to do my best?
Can I please stop workin' so hard?
They just tell me gotta close it hard.
Got to think of my health.
Can I be by myself?

Oh, they tell me I'll be home someday.
Well I doubt it if I continue this way,
`cause this hard life I've led
is makin' me dead.

Sweet Dream
You'll hear me calling in your sweet dream,
can't hear your daddy's warning cry.
You're going back to be all the things you want to be,
while in sweet dreams you softly sigh.
You hear my voice is calling
to be mine again,
live the rest of your life in a day.
Get out and get what you can
while your mummy's at home a-sleeping.
No time to understand
`cause they lost what they thought they were keeping.

No one can see us in your sweet dream.
don't hear you leave to start the car.
All wrapped up tightly in the coat you borrowed from me,
your place of resting is not far.

You'll hear my voice is calling
to be mine again,
live the rest of your life in a day.
Get out and get what you can
While your mummy's at home a-sleeping.
No time to understand,
`cause they lost what they thought they were keeping.

Singing All Day
Singing all day, singing `bout nothing.
Singing all day, singing `bout nothing.
Singing all day, singing `bout nothing,
oo, my, my, my,
oo, my, my, my.
Went down to the station to look for her there,
looked through the crowds for a glimpse of her hair,
nothing to see but the crowds keep a-staring at me,
my, my,
oo, my, my, my.

Down in the street, try'n' to remember,
shuffling my feet outside a menswear,
is that her in the fur coat?
No it's not December yet,
my, my, my,
oo, my, my, my.

Singing all day, singing `bout nothing.

Back to the house, maybe she'll phone me,
singing my song, feeling so lonely.
I'll sing very softly, so if the phone rings
I can hear it, I can hear it.

Singing all day, singing `bout nothing.
Singing all day, singing `bout nothing.
Singing all day, singing `bout nothing,
oo, my, my, my,
oo, my, my, my.

Witch's Promise
Lend me your ear while I call you a fool.
You were kissed by a witch one night in the wood,
and later insisted your feelings were true.
The witch's promise was coming,
believing he listened while laughing you flew.
Leaves falling red, yellow, brown, all are the same,
and the love you have found lay outside in the rain.
Washed clean by the water but nursing its pain.
The witch's promise was coming, and you're looking
elsewhere for your own selfish gain.

Keep looking, keep looking for somewhere to be,
well, you're wasting your time, they're not stupid like he is.
Meanwhile leaves are still falling, you're too blind to see.

You won't find it easy now, it's only fair.
He was willing to give to you, you didn't care.
You're waiting for more but you've already had your share.
The witch's promise is turning, so don't you wait up
for him, he's going to be late.

Life Is A Long Song
When you're falling awake and you take stock of the new day,
and you hear your voice croak as you choke on what you need to say,
well, don't you fret, don't you fear,
I will give you good cheer.
Life's a long song.
Life's a long song.
Life's a long song.

If you wait then your plate I will fill.

As the verses unfold and your soul suffers the long day,
and the twelve o'clock gloom spins the room,
you struggle on your way.
Well, don't you sigh, don't you cry,
lick the dust from your eye.

Life's a long song.
Life's a long song.
Life's a long song.

We will meet in the sweet light of dawn.

As the Baker Street train spills your pain all over your new dress,
and the symphony sounds underground put you under duress,
well don't you squeal as the heel grinds you under the wheel.

Life's a long song.
Life's a long song.
Life's a long song.

But the tune ends too soon for us all.

Up The `Pool
I'm going up the `pool from down the smoke below
to taste my mum's jam sarnies and see our Aunty Flo.
The candyfloss salesman watches ladies in the sand
down for a freaky weekend in the hope that they'll be meeting
Mister Universe.
The iron tower smiles down upon the silver sea
and along the golden mile they'll be swigging mugs of tea.
The politicians there who've come to take the air
while posing for the daily press
will look around and blame the mess
on Edward Bear.

There'll be bucket, spades and bingo, cockles, mussels, rainy days,
seaweed and sand castles, icy waves.
Deck chairs, rubber dinghies, old vests, braces dangling down,
sun-tanned stranded starfish in a daze.

We're going up the `pool from down the smoke below
to taste my mum's jam sarnies and see our Aunty Flo.
The candy floss salesman watches ladies in the sand
down for a freaky weekend in the hope that they'll be meeting
Mister Universe.

There'll be buckets, spades and bingo, cockles, mussels, rainy days,
seaweed and sand castles, icy waves,
Deck chairs, rubber dinghies, old vests, braces dangling down,
sun-tanned stranded starfish in a daze.

Oh Blackpool,
oh Blackpool.

Crazed Institution
Just a little touch of make-up; just a little touch of bull;
just a little 3-chord trick embedded in your platform soul;
you can wear a gold Piaget on your Semaphore wrist;
you can dance the old adage with a dapper new twist.
And you can ring a crown of roses round your cranium,
live and die upon your cross of platinum.
Join the crazed institution of the stars.
Be the man that you think (know) you really are.
Crawl inside your major triad, curl up and laugh as your agent scores another front page photograph.
Is it them or is it you throwing dice inside the loo awaiting someone else to pull the chain.
Well grab the old bog-handle, hold your breath and light a candle.
Clear your throat and pray for rain to irrigate the corridors that echo in your brain
filled with empty nothingness, empty hunger pains.
And you can ring a crown of roses round your cranium,
live and die upon your cross of platinum.
Join the crazed institution of the stars.
Be the man that you think (know) you really are.


:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$
Mi a vlemnyetek a hippikrl?

IMDOM KET s mindent ami velk kapcsolatos(taln
Bejn a hippi letstlus!
J ez, de nem tlzottan rdekel.
szerintem semmi rtelme sem volt a hippi mozgalomn
Szerintem hlyk, s folyton drogoznak, nem szeret
Azt nem akarod tudni...
Szavazs llsa
Lezrt szavazsok
"Kpzeld el az embereket | Hogy bkben lnek... | Mondhatod, hogy lmodoz vagyok | De nem n vagyok az egyetlen | Remlem egy napon csatlakozol hozznk | s a vilg egysges lesz."
John Lennon (rszlet az Imagine c. dalbl)
"Nem ltezik bkhez vezetõ t. A bke az t."
Mahatma Gandhi
"A bke nem a nemzetek egyfajta kapcsolata. Ez az elme llapota, amit a llek derûje okoz. A bke nem csupn a hbor hinya. Ez az elme llapota is. Hosszan tart bke csak bks emberek kz jn el."

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