Welcome to the age of Aquarius!
Welcome to the age of Aquarius!

Elfelejtettem a jelszt
Bke jel


A kr szimbolizlja az egsz mindensget, az egsz vilgot, minden l dolgot.A kzpbl kirad sugarak jelentik a klnbz utakat a mindensg fel.Ugyanakkor jelkpezik a bke-galamb lbnyomt is.


A 60-as, 70-es vek zeni,zenszei
Beatles rkk
*John Lennon
Induls: 2006-02-05
Vlaszz TE!
Most a Hair c. szm van, mert azt krttek de lehet jra szavazni!
Milyen zene legyen a honlapon?

Aquarius(a rgi)/Hairbl
Let the sunshine in!/Hair
Good Morning Starshine/Hair
Dead End/Hair
Hare Krishna(Be in)/Hair
Ms(ird a vendgknyvbe)
Szavazs llsa
Lezrt szavazsok
*Zene* /Hair/


The Doors


"There are things known and things

unknown. Between are the doors"

1965-ben alakult amerikai zenekar.

Eredeti fellls:

Jim Morrison nek;

Robbie Krieger basszusgitr;

Ray Manzarek billentysk;

John Densmore dob.

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  A 60-as vekben a BEATLES utn az ifjsg tmegeire a Doorsnak volt a legnagyobb hatsa. Az egyttes meghatroz alakja az excentrikus Jim Morrison. James Douglas Morrison jmd csaldbl szrmazott. Mr fiatalkorban kitnt viselkedsvel, lzongott az iskolapadban. Ez a lzongs hallig tartott. A kzpiskola utn irodalmat tanult. Olvasmnyai alapjn vlasztotta ki ksbb Blake egyik versbl az egyttes nevt. A tanuls mellett versrssal is prblkozott. Az egyetem utn Los Angelesbe kltztt, s itt tallkozott Ray Manzarekkel. 1965-ben Rick And The Ravens nven egy kis bluesegyttest alaptottak. Ksbb csatalakozott hozzjuk Robbie Krieger s John Densmore. A Doors nevet Morrison ajnlatra ekkor vettk fel. Eltklt szndkuk volt, hogy a zenbl lnek meg, ezrt kiadt kerestek. Ameddig Jack Holzman nem szerzdtette ket az Elektrhoz, addig abbl ltek, hogy vgigjrtk s vgigzenltk a vrosokat. A sok munka miatt tbben rszoktak a kbtszerekre, amely ksbb szomoran beleszlt az letkbe. Els lemezk megjelense utn nagyon gyorsan megismertk a zenerajongk a Doorst. Ez fleg Jim Morrison excentrikus, lzad figurjnak ksznhet, amellyel pldt lltott az ifjsg el. Morrison mly - sr, nha felvlt hangja, sajtos megjelense valamint a bke, a jsg s a szeretet filozfijnak terjesztse nagyban elsegtette, hogy gyorsan sztrokk vltak. Dalaikban hen tkrztk az ifjsg gondolatait, problmit s rzsvilgt. Rajongtboruk hatalmasra ntt. Folyamatosan megjelen lemezeik rengeteg kivl slgert tartalmaztak. Els albumukon fellelhet egy Weill - Brecht feldolgozs, az Alabama Song, valamint az els igazi nagy sikerk, a Light My Fire:

"Tudod, ez nem volna igaz

Tudod, hazug lennk

Ha olyan volnk veled, mint msokkal

Jobb mr nem is lehetne

Gyere babm lobbants lngra."

  Sorra jttek a jobbnl jobb szmok: Hello, I Love You, Touch Me, Love Her Madly, Break On Through. Morrison megprblta zenjket ms trsmvszetekkel sszekapcsolni, de a menedzsment ltal rjuk knyszertett nagy hajts nem engedte igazn kibontakozni. A tlhajszoltsg miatt nagy mennyisg alkoholt s drogot fogyaszt Morrison egyre tbb botrnyt csinlt. Volt r plda, hogy rendrk sorai kztt koncerteztek, s le is vittk a sznpadrl Morrisont, amikor mr tlzsba vitte a hangulat varzslst. Fellpseik alkalmval mindig kereste a kzvetlen kapcsolatot a kznsggel. Az elsk kz tartozott, akik beugrottak a sznpadrl a tmegbe. A megerltet munka, az ital s az egyre tbb kbtszer tnkretette Morrison idegeit. 1971-ben a tbbiek tudta nlkl Prizsba, a mvszetek fvrosba meneklt, ahol addigi vgyait, elkpzelseit akarta megvalstani. Szve azonban nem brta a tlzott terhelst, s nemsokra halva talltak r hotelszobjnak frdkdjban. Jim Morrison a prizsi Pere Lachaise temetben nyugszik, srja azta is sokak zarndokhelye. A tbbiek sikertelenl prblkoztak Morrison nlkl. Nevet vltoztattak s k lettek a Butt's Band. Mindhrom zensz szlkarriert prblt, tbb-kevesebb sikerrel. A Doors s Jim Morrison letrl, plyjrl tbb knyv is kszlt. A dokumentcis s koncertfilmek mellett Oliver Stone rendezsben 1991-ben, Morrison hallnak huszadik vforduljra film kszlt a Doorsrl. A remek film hatsra mind az llamokban, mind Eurpban s haznkban is felledt a Doors-kultusz.

Nagylemezek: The Doors (1967.)

                         Strange Days (1968.)

                         Waiting For The Sun (1968.)

                         The Soft Parade (1969.)

                         Absolutely Live (1970.)

                         Morrison Hotel (1970.)

                         Thirteen (1971.)

                         Weird Scenes Inside The Goldmine (1971.)

                         L.A. Woman (1971.)

                         Other Voices (1971.) [Morrison nlkl]

                         Full Circle (1972.)

                         The Best Of The Doors (1973.)

                         An American Prayer (1978.)

                         Famous Radio Songs - Greatest Hits (1980.)

                         She Cried (1983.)

                         The Doors Classics (1985.)

                         Live At The Hollywood Bowl (1987.)

                         The Doors (1991.)

                         In Concert (1991.)

                         Box Set (1997.)

A Cd online megvsrolhat !

A Cd online megvsrolhat !

A Cd online megvsrolhat !

A Cd online megvsrolhat !

A Cd online megvsrolhat !

A Cd online megvsrolhat !

A Cd online megvsrolhat !


The Doors

Strange days

Strange days have found us
Strange days have tracked us down
They're going to destroy
Our casual joys
We shall go on playing
Or find a new town
Strange eyes fill strange rooms
Voices will signal their tired end
The hostess is grinning
Her guests sleep from sinning
Hear me talk of sin
And you know this is it
Strange days have found us
And through their strange hours
We linger alone
Bodies confused
Memories misused
As we run from the day
To a strange night of stone

You're lost little girl

You're lost little girl
You're lost little girl
You're lost
Tell me who
Are you?
I think that you know what to do
Impossible? Yes, but it's true
I think that you know what to do, yeah
I'm sure that you know what to do
You're lost little girl
You're lost little girl
You're lost
Tell me who
Are you?
I think that you know what to do
Impossible? Yes, but it's true
I think that you know what to do, girl
I'm sure that you know what to do
You're lost little girl
You're lost little girl
You're lost

Love me two times

Love me two time,baby,love me twice today
Love me two time,girl,I'm goin' away
Love me two time girl,one for tomorrow,
one just for today
Love me two times
I'm goin' away
Love me one time,could not speak
Love me one time,yea,my knees got weak
Love me two time,girl,lasts me all through the week
Love me two times,I'm goin' away
Love me two times,I'm goin' away
Love me one time,could not speak
Love me one time,baby,yeah,my knees got weak
Love me two times,girl,lasts me all through the week
Love me two times,I'm goin' away
Love me two time,babe
Love me twice today
Love me two time,babe,'cause im goin' away
Love me two time,girl,one for tomorrow,
one just for today
Love me two times,I'm goin' away
Love me two times I'm goin' away
Love me two times I'm goin' away

Unhappy girl

Unhappy girl, Left all alone
Playing solitaire
Playing warden to your soul
You are locked in a prison
Of your own devise
And you can't believe
What it does to me
To see you
Unhappy girl
Tear your web away
Saw thru all your bars
Melt your cell today
You are caught in a prison
Of your own devise
Unhappy girl
Fly fast away
Don't miss your chance
To swim in mystery
You are dying in a prison
Of your own devise

Horse latitudes

When the still sea conspires an armor
And her sullen and aborted
Currents breed tiny monsters
True sailing is dead
Awkward instant
And the first animal is jettisoned
Legs furiously pumping
Their stiff green gallop
And heads bob up
In mute nostril agony
Carefully refined
And sealed over

Moonlight drive

Let's swim to the moon, uh huh
Let's climb through the tide
Penetrate the evenin' that the
City sleeps to hide
Let's swim out tonight, love
It's our turn to try
Parked beside the ocean
On our moonlight drive
Let's swim to the moon, uh huh
Let's climb through the tide
Surrender to the waiting worlds
That lap against our side
Nothin' left open
And no time to decide
We've stepped into a river
On our moonlight drive
Let's swim to the moon
Let's climb through the tide
You reach your hand to hold me
But I can't be your guide
Easy, I love you
As I watch you glide
Falling through wet forests
On our moonlight drive, baby
Moonlight drive
Come on, baby, gonna take a little ride
Down, down by the ocean side
Gonna get real close
Get real tight
Baby gonna drown tonight
Goin' down, down, down

People are strange

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange X3
People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange X3
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange X3

My eyes have seen you

My eyes have seen you X3
Stand in your door
When we meet inside
Show me some more X3
My eyes have seen you X3
Turn and stare
Fix your hair
Move upstairs X3
My eyes have seen you X3
Free from disguise
Gazing on a city under
Television skies X3
My eyes have seen you X2
Eyes have seen you
Let them photograph your soul
Memorize your alleys
On an endless roll
Endless roll X15

I can't see your face in my mind

I can't see your face in my mind
I can't see your face in my mind
Carnival dogs
Consume the lines
Can't see your face in my mind
Don't you cry
Baby, please don't cry
And don't look at me
With your eyes
I can't seem to find the right lie
I can't seem to find the right lie
Insanity's horse
Adorns the sky
Can't seem to find the right lie
Carnival dogs
Consume the lines
Can't see your face in my mind
Don't you cry
Baby, please don't cry
I won't need your picture
Until we say goodbye

When the music's over

Yeah, c'mon
When the music's over
When the music's over, yeah, When the music's over
Turn out the lights, Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights, yeah
When the music's over X3
Turn out the lights X3
For the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end X3
Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
Send my credentials to the House of Detention
I got some friends inside
The face in the mirror won't stop
The girl in the window won't drop
A feast of friends, "Alive!" she cried
Waitin' for me, Outside!
Before I sink, Into the big sleep
I want to hear, I want to hear
The scream of the butterfly
Come back, baby, Back into my arm
We're gettin' tired of hangin' around
Waitin' around with our heads to the ground
I hear a very gentle sound, Very near yet very far
Very soft, yeah, very clear, Come today, come today
What have they done to the earth?
What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn
And tied her with fences and dragged her down
I hear a very gentle sound
With your ear down to the ground
We want the world and we want it... X2
Now, Now?, Now!
Persian night, babe, See the light, babe
Save us!, Jesus!, Save us!
So when the music's over
When the music's over, yeah
When the music's over
Turn out the lights X3
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end X3

Hello, I love you

Hello, I love you, Won't you tell me your name?
Hello, I love you, Let me jump in your game
Hello, I love you, Won't you tell me your name?
Hello, I love you, Let me jump in your game
She's walking down the street
Blind to every eye she meets
Do you think you'll be the guy
To make the queen of the angels sigh?
Hello, I love you, Won't you tell me your name?
Hello, I love you, Let me jump in your game
Hello, I love you, Won't you tell me your name?
Hello, I love you, Let me jump in your game
She holds her head so high, Like a statue in the sky
Her arms are wicked, and her legs are long
When she moves my brain screams out this song
Sidewalk crouches at her feet
Like a dog that begs for something sweet
Do you hope to make her see, you fool?
Do you hope to pluck this dusky jewel?
Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello
I want you, Hello, I need my baby
Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello

Love street

She lives on Love Street
Lingers long on Love Street
She has a house and garden
I would like to see what happens
She has robes and she has monkeys
Lazy diamond studded flunkies
She has wisdom and knows what to do
She has me and she has you
She has wisdom and knows what to do
She has me and she has you
I see you live on Love Street
There's this store where the creatures meet
I wonder what they do in there
Summer Sunday and a year
I guess I like it fine, so far
She lives on Love Street
Lingers long on Love Street
She has a house and garden
I would like to see what happens
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, la, la, la

Not to touch the earth

Not to touch the earth
Not to see the sun
Nothing left to do, but
Run, run, run
Let's run
Let's run
House upon the hill
Moon is lying still
Shadows of the trees
Witnessing the wild breeze
C'mon baby run with me
Let's run
Run with me
Run with me
Run with me
Let's run
The mansion is warm, at the top of the hill
Rich are the rooms and the comforts there
Red are the arms of luxuriant chairs
And you won't know a thing till you get inside
Dead president's corpse in the driver's car
The engine runs on glue and tar
Come on along, not goin' very far
To the East to meet the Czar
Run with me
Run with me
Run with me
Let's run
Some outlaws lived by the side of a lake
The minister's daughter's in love with the snake
Who lives in a well by the side of the road
Wake up, girl, we're almost home
Ya, c'mon!
We should see the gates by mornin'
We should be inside the evenin'
Sun, sun, sun
Burn, burn, burn
Soon, soon, soon
Moon, moon, moon
I will get you
Soon!, Soon!, Soon!
I am the Lizard King
I can do anything

Summer's almost gone

Summer's almost gone
Summer's almost gone
Almost gone
Yeah, it's almost gone
Where will we be
When the summer's gone?
Morning found us calmly unaware
Noon burn gold into our hair
At night, we swim the laughin' sea
When summer's gone
Where will we be
Where will we be
Where will we be
Morning found us calmly unaware
Noon burn gold into our hair
At night, we swim the laughin' sea
When summer's gone
Where will we be
Summer's almost gone
Summer's almost gone
We had some good times
But they're gone
The winter's comin' on
Summer's almost gone

Wintertime love

Wintertime winds blow cold the season
Fallen in love, I'm hopin' to be
Wind is so cold, is that the reason?
Keeping you warm, your hands touching me
Come with me dance, my dear
Winter's so cold this year
You are so warm
My wintertime love to be
Winter time winds blue and freezin'
Comin' from northern storms in the sea
Love has been lost, is that the reason?
Trying desperately to be free
Come with me dance, my dear
Winter's so cold this year
And you are so warm
My wintertime love to be
La, la, la, la
Come with me dance, my dear
Winter's so cold this year
You are so warm
My wintertime love to be

The unknown soldier

Wait until the war is over
And we're both a little older
The unknown soldier
Breakfast where the news is read
Television children fed
Unborn living, living, dead
Bullet strikes the helmet's head
And it's all over
For the unknown soldier
It's all over
For the unknown soldier
Hut ho hee up
Hut ho hee up
Hut ho hee up
Make a grave for the unknown soldier
Nestled in your hollow shoulder
The unknown soldier
Breakfast where the news is read
Television children fed
Bullet strikes the helmet's head
And, it's all over
The war is over
It's all over
The war is over
Well, all over, baby
All over, baby
Oh, over, yeah
All over, baby
Wooooo, hah-hah
All over
All over, baby
Oh, woa-yeah
All over
All over

Spanish caravan

Carry me Caravan take me away
Take me to Portugal, take me to Spain
Andalusia with fields full of grain
I have to see you again and again
Take me, Spanish Caravan
Yes, I know you can
Trade winds find Galleons lost in the sea
I know where treasure is waiting for me
Silver and gold in the mountains of Spain
I have to see you again and again
Take me, Spanish Caravan
Yes, I know you can

My wild love

My wild love went ridin'
She rode all the day
She wrote to the devil
And asked him to pay
The devil was wiser
It's time to repent
He asked her to give back
The money she spent
My wild love went ridin'
She rode to the sea
She gathered together
Some shells for her head
She rode and she rode on
She rode for a while
Then stopped for an evenin'
And lay her head down
She rode on to Christmas
She rode to the farm
She rode to Japan
And re-entered a town
By this time the weather
Had changed one degree
She asked for the people
To let her go free
My wild love is crazy
She screams like a bird
She moans like a cat
When she wants to be heard
My wild love went ridin'
She rode for an hour
She stopped and she rested
And then she rode on
Ride, c'mon

We could be so good together

We could be so good together
Ya, so good together
We could be so good together
Ya, we could, I know we could
Tell you lies
I tell you wicked lies
Tell you lies
Tell you wicked lies
Tell you 'bout the world that we'll invent
Wanton world without lament
Enterprise, expedition
Invitation and invention
Ya, so good together
Ah, so good together
We could be so good together
Ya, we could, know we could
Do da do do do do do bup bup de day
We could be so good together
Ya, so good together
We could be so good together
Ya, we could, I know we could
Tell you lies
Tell you wicked lies
Tell you lies
Tell you wicked lies
The time you wait subtracts the joy
Beheads the angels you destroy
Angels fight, angels cry
Angels dance and angels die
Ya, so good together
Ah, but so good together
We could be so good together
Ya, we could, know we could

Yes, the river knows

Please believe me
The river told me
Very softly
Want you to hold me, ooo
Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes
Breath under water 'till the end
Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes
Breath under water 'till the end
Yes, the river knows
Please believe me
If you don't need me
I'm going, but I need a little time
I promised I would drown myself in mysticated wine
Please believe me
The river told me
Very softly
Want you to hold me, ooo
I'm going, but I need a little time
I promised I would drown myself in mysticated wine
Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes
Breath under water 'till the end
Free fall flow, river flow
On and on it goes
Breath under water 'till the end

Five to one

Yeah, c'mon, Love my girl
She lookin' good, C'mon, One more
Five to one, baby
One in five
No one here gets out alive, now
You get yours, baby
I'll get mine
Gonna make it, baby
If we try
The old get old
And the young get stronger
May take a week
And it may take longer
They got the guns
But we got the numbers
Gonna win, yeah
We're takin' over
Come on!
Your ballroom days are over, baby
Night is drawing near
Shadows of the evening crawl across the years
Ya walk across the floor with a flower in your hand
Trying to tell me no one understands
Trade in your hours for a handful dimes
Gonna' make it, baby, in our prime
Come together one more time
Get together one more time
Get together one more time
Get together, aha
Get together one more time!
Get together one more time!
Get together one more time
Get together one more time
Get together, gotta, get together
Hey, c'mon, honey
You won't have along wait for me, baby
I'll be there in just a little while
You see, I gotta go out in this car with these people and...
Get together one more time
Get together one more time
Get together, got to
Get together, got to
Get together, got to
Take you up in my room and...
Love my girl
She lookin' good, lookin' real good
Love ya, c'mon

Tell all the people

Tell all the people that you see
Follow me
Follow me down
Tell all the people that you see
Set them free
Follow me down
You tell them they don't have to run
We're gonna pick up everyone
Come out and take me by my hand
Gonna bury all our troubles in the sand, oh yeah
Can't you see the wonder at your feet
Your life's complete
Follow me down
Can't you see me growing, get your guns
The time has come
To follow me down
Follow me across the sea
Where milky babies seem to be
Molded, flowing revelry
With the one that set them free
Tell all the people that you see
It's just me
Follow me down
Tell all the people that you see
Follow me
Follow me down
Tell all the people that you see
We'll be free
Follow me down
Tell all the people that you see
It's just me
Follow me down
Tell all the people that you see
Follow me
Follow me down
Follow me down
You got to follow me down
Follow me down
Tell all the people that you see
We'll be free
Follow me down
Tell all the people you see
Follow me
You got to follow me down

Touch me

Yeah!, Come on, come on, come on, come on
Now touch me, baby
Can't you see that I am not afraid?
What was that promise that you made?
Why won't you tell me what she said?
What was that promise that you made?
Now, I'm gonna love you, Till the heavens stop the rain
I'm gonna love you
Till the stars fall from the sky for you and I
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Now touch me, baby
Can't you see that I am not afraid?
What was that promise that you made?
Why won't you tell me what she said?
What was that promise that you made?
I'm gonna love you, Till the heavens stop the rain
I'm gonna love you
Till the stars fall from the sky for you and I
I'm gonna love you, Till the heavens stop the rain
I'm gonna love you
Till the stars fall from the sky for you and I

Shaman's blues

There will never be, Another one like you
There will never be, Another one who can
Do the things you do, oh
Will you give another chance?, Will you try, little try?
Please stop and you remember,
We were together, anyway, all right
And if you have a certain evenin', You could lend to me
I'd give it all right back to you, A how it has to be with you
I know your moves and your mind
And your mind X6
Will you stop and think and wonder?
Just what you'll see
Out on the train yard
Nursin' penitentiary
It's gone, I cry out long
Go head, brother
Did you stop it to consider?, How it will feel
Cold, grinded grizzly bear jaws, Hot on your heels
Do you often stop and whisper?
It's Saturday's shore
The whole world's a savior
Who could ever, ever, ever
Ever, ever, ever, Ask for more?
Do you remember?
Will you stop?, Will you stop?, The pain
And there will never be
Another one like you
There will never be
Another one who can
Do the things you do, oh
Will you give another chance?
Will you try, little try?
Please stop and you remember
We were together, anyway, all right
How you must of think and wondered
How I must feel
Out on the meadows
While you run the field
I'm alone for you
And I cry
The sweat, look at it, Optical promise
Heh, heh, heh, You'll be dead and in hell
Before I'm born, Sure thing
Brides maid, The only solution
Isn't it amazing?

Do it

Yuppa tuppa ta ta, Yuppa tuppa chic ta
Do thang, do thang, Do tuppa thang cho
Rikki te tatar, Te teen tar
De dow dow, Ha, ha, ha, ha, Ha, ha, ha, ha
Yeah, Yeah please me, yeah
Easy, babe, Please me
Please, please listen to me children X3
Said please, please listen to me children
You are the ones who will rule the world
Listen to me children X2
Please, please listen to me children X2
You are the ones who will rule the world, ha
You gotta please me, All night
Please, please listen to me children
Said please, please listen to me children
Please, yeah, please me, I'm askin' you
Please, please listen to me children X3
Please, my children
Please, children, Please, children

Easy ride

And I know
It will be
An easy ride, all right
And I know
It will be
Easy ride, ok
The mask that you wore
My fingers would explore
Costume of control
Excitement soon unfolds
And I know
It will be
Easy ride, yeah
Joy, for vaguely
Which' your pride
Which' your pride, yeah
Black polished stone
Black polished stone
I see your eyes
Like burnin' glass
Like burnin' glass
Hear you smile, smile, babe
The mask that you wore
My fingers would explore
Costume of control
Excitement soon unfolds, hey
Easy, baby
Call the queen, now
Be my bride
Ragin' darkness
By my side
Seize the summer
In your pride
Take the winter
In your stride
Let's ride, yeah
Easy, easy, easy
Easy, easy, ease, easy
Yeah, yeah, ride
Dum, dum, dum, dum
Dum, dum, dum

Wild child

All right, Wild child full of grace
Savior of the human race, Your cool face
Natural child, terrible child
Not your mother's or your father's child
Your our child, screamin' wild
An ancient lunatic reigns in the trees of the night
Ha, ha, ha, ha
With hunger at her heels, Freedom in her eyes
She dances on her knees, Pirate prince at her side
Stirrin' into a hollow idols eyes
Wild child full of grace, Savior of the human race
Your cool face, Your cool face, Your cool face
Do you remember when we were in Africa?

Runnin' blue

Poor Otis dead and gone, Left me here to sing his song
Pretty little girl with the red dress on
Poor Otis dead and gone
Yeah, back down, turn around slowly
Try it again, remembering when
It was easy, try it again
Much to easy, rememberin' when
All right, look at my shoes, Not quite the walkin' blues
Don't fight, too much to lose, Can't fight the runnin' blues
Well, I've got the runnin' blues
Runnin' away, back to L.A.
Got to find the dock of the bay
Maybe find it back in L.A.
Runnin' scared, Runnin' blue
Goin' so fast, What'll I do
Well, I've got the runnin' blues
Runnin' away, back to L.A.
Got to find the dock of the bay
Maybe find it back in L.A.
All right, look at my shoes
Not quite the walkin' blues
Don't fight, too much to lose
Can't fight the runnin' blues
All right, look at my shoes
Not quite the walkin' blues
Don't fight, too much to lose
Can't fight the runnin' blues

Wishful sinful

Wishful crystal
Water covers everything in blue
Coolin' water
Wishful sinful
Our love is beautiful to see
I know where I would like to be
Right back where I came
Wishful, sinful, wicked blue
Water covers you
Wishful, sinful, wicked you
Can't escape the blue
Magic risin'
Sun is shinin' deep beneath the sea
But not enough for you and me and sunshine
Love to hear the wind cry
Wishful sinful
Our love is beautiful to see
I know where I would like to be
Right back where I came
Wishful, sinful, wicked blue
Water covers you
Wishful, sinful, wicked you
Can't escape the blue
Love to hear the wind cry
Love to hear you cry, yeah, yeah

The soft parade

When I was back there in seminary school, There was a person there
Who put forth the proposition, That you can petition the Lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer, Petition the lord with prayer
You cannot petition the lord with prayer!
Can you give me sanctuary, I must find a place to hide, A place for me to hide
Can you find me soft asylum, I can't make it anymore, The Man is at the door
Peppermint, miniskirts, chocolate candy, Champion sax and a girl named Sandy
There's only four ways to get unraveled, One is to sleep and the other is travel, da da
One is a bandit up in the hills, One is to love your neighbor 'till
His wife gets home
Catacombs, Nursery bones, Winter women, Growing stones
Carrying babies, To the river
Streets and shoes, Avenues, Leather riders
Selling news, The monk bought lunch
Ha ha, he bought a little, Yes, he did, Woo!
This is the best part of the trip, This is the trip, the best part
I really like, What'd he say?, Yeah!, Yeah, right!
Pretty good, huh, Huh!, Yeah, I'm proud to be a part of this number
Successful hills are here to stay, Everything must be this way
Gentle streets where people play, Welcome to the Soft Parade
All our lives we sweat and save, Building for a shallow grave
Must be something else we say, Somehow to defend this place
Everything must be this way, Everything must be this way, yeah
The Soft Parade has now begun, Listen to the engines hum
People out to have some fun, A cobra on my left
Leopard on my right, yeah
The deer woman in a silk dress, Girls with beads around their necks
Kiss the hunter of the green vest, Who has wrestled before
With lions in the night
Out of sight!, The lights are getting brighter
The radio is moaning, Calling to the dogs
There are still a few animals, Left out in the yard
But it's getting harder, To describe sailors, To the underfed
Tropic corridor, Tropic treasure
What got us this far, To this mild equator?
We need someone or something new
Something else to get us through, yeah, c'mon
Callin' on the dogs, Callin' on the dogs
Oh, it's gettin' harder, Callin' on the dogs
Callin' in the dogs, Callin' all the dogs, Callin' on the gods
You gotta meet me, Too late, baby
Slay a few animals, At the crossroads, Too late
All in the yard, But it's gettin' harder, By the crossroads
You gotta meet me, Oh, we're goin', we're goin great
At the edge of town, Tropic corridor, Tropic treasure
Havin' a good time, Got to come along, What got us this far
To this mild equator?, Outskirts of the city, You and I
We need someone new, Somethin' new, Somethin' else to get us through
Better bring your gun, Better bring your gun
Tropic corridor, Tropic treasure, We're gonna ride and have some fun
When all else fails, We can whip the horse's eyes
And make them sleep, And cry


:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$
Mi a vlemnyetek a hippikrl?

IMDOM KET s mindent ami velk kapcsolatos(taln
Bejn a hippi letstlus!
J ez, de nem tlzottan rdekel.
szerintem semmi rtelme sem volt a hippi mozgalomn
Szerintem hlyk, s folyton drogoznak, nem szeret
Azt nem akarod tudni...
Szavazs llsa
Lezrt szavazsok
"Kpzeld el az embereket | Hogy bkben lnek... | Mondhatod, hogy lmodoz vagyok | De nem n vagyok az egyetlen | Remlem egy napon csatlakozol hozznk | s a vilg egysges lesz."
John Lennon (rszlet az Imagine c. dalbl)
"Nem ltezik bkhez vezetõ t. A bke az t."
Mahatma Gandhi
"A bke nem a nemzetek egyfajta kapcsolata. Ez az elme llapota, amit a llek derûje okoz. A bke nem csupn a hbor hinya. Ez az elme llapota is. Hosszan tart bke csak bks emberek kz jn el."

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