Hair Dalszvegek |
Walking in space
2006.07.21. 13:11
"All the clouds are cumuloft
Walking in space
Oh my God your skin is soft
I love your face"
Walking in space
Doors locked (doors locked) Blinds pulled (blinds pulled) Lights low (lights low) Flames high (flames high)
My body (my body) My body
My body (my body) My body
My body Is walking in space My soul is in orbit With God face to face
Floating, flipping Flying, tripping
Tripping from Pottsville to Mainline Tripping from Mainline to Moonville
(Tripping from "Pot"sville to Starlight Tripping from Starlight to Moonville)
On a rocket to The Fourth Dimension Total self awareness The intention
My mind is as clear as country air I feel my flesh, all colors mesh
Red black Blue brown Yellow crimson Green orange Purple pink Violet white White white White white White white
All the clouds are cumuloft Walking in space Oh my God your skin is soft I love your face
How dare they try to end this beauty? How dare they try to end this beauty?
To keep us under foot They bury us in soot Pretending it's a chore To ship us off to war
In this dive We rediscover sensation In this dive We rediscover sensation
Walking in space We find the purpose of peace The beauty of life You can no longer hide
Our eyes are open Our eyes are open Our eyes are open Our eyes are open Wide wide wide!
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Linkek,jtk |
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Beszlgessnk! |
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***Idzet*** |
"Kpzeld el az embereket | Hogy bkben lnek... | Mondhatod, hogy lmodoz vagyok | De nem n vagyok az egyetlen | Remlem egy napon csatlakozol hozznk | s a vilg egysges lesz." John Lennon (rszlet az Imagine c. dalbl)
"Nem ltezik bkhez vezetõ t. A bke az t." Mahatma Gandhi
"A bke nem a nemzetek egyfajta kapcsolata. Ez az elme llapota, amit a llek derûje okoz. A bke nem csupn a hbor hinya. Ez az elme llapota is. Hosszan tart bke csak bks emberek kz jn el."
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Egyb,szrakozs |
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